Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Kicking Back

I've received a few comments from readers of my blogs asking me if I have stopped writing them. No, I haven't. But for the foreseeable future they will appear infrequently.

Working with my publisher, I am putting all of my novels into print. This is a time intensive project that requires the e-books be reformatted, a galley copy printed, then I have to carefully proofread this copy to be sure that it is free of mistakes. Along with this, I need to design front and back covers that are printable. This entire procedure is much more complex that preparing an ebook for publication.

Of course I still have my community responsibilities; I am a member of the boards of two county agencies and my wife and I deliver Meals on Wheels once a week. Also there is grass to mow, routine maintenance and emergency repairs to house and out buildings, shopping/errands, and the occasional doctor visits. Now and again I have to sleep and eat—I have no time to relax with a beer. Somethings must be sacrificed for the sake of art. At least I am not bored, only tired.

So faithful readers please bear with me. I'll still stick a blog in here and there. Please keep your comments and suggestions coming. By the way, the only drawback I can see with the Google Blogspot is the process that a reader has to follow to reply on the blog site itself. Please email me or comment on Facebook. I read my email every day and respond immediately when possible; I do not regularly look at Facebook. So if your comment is important, email is the best way to let me know.

Read reviews of my books on my web-site, http://www.bfoswaldauthor.com.

What do you think of this article? Please post your comment on my Facebook Timeline, on Facebook, or send it to me at mailto:bfoswald78@gmail.com.  Thank you