Saturday, June 22, 2013

Twenty-seven Years of Marriage

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Yesterday was our twenty-seventh wedding anniversary. Since neither of us is big on special occasions we did nothing unusual. We started the morning with her dozing in my arms while awaiting our tea water to boil. Then we had tea together, listened to the weather forecast and watched birds and wildlife from our porch windows. Our teatime is sacred and we let nothing avoidable interfere with it. Afterwards we each spent about an hour reading our e-mail, had breakfast together, then I went to my office and wrote while she took care of household responsibilities. Running errands was followed by lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, after which we came home and relaxed until about four. Between then and six, I worked on a Blogspot and she updated us with friends and relatives. At six we settled in for 'our time together', the other sacrosanct hour of our day, and enjoyed our beverages of choice while we discussed a variety of topics. A light supper was follow by our usual two hours of TV and then to bed were we read until overcome by sleep.

From my perspective, these have been great years, the happiest to my life. We've worked together, traveled, shared children with their concomitant joys and sorrows, supported each other through a few surgeries and adjusted to the vicissitudes of aging.

We complement each other. I have the book smarts, which are not all that useful in daily life; she has an abundance of common sense, which makes up for my lack that I demonstrate daily. We enjoy many of the same things—books, music, TV programs and so forth, while also maintaining separate interests. We often finish each other's sentences, fill in the blanks during word and name searches, think of the same thing at the same time. We agree on most things, agree to disagree on others. Anger is infrequent and short-lived.

I admire and respect and enjoy Cindy. Most importantly I like her. She is my best and closest friend. This, I believe, is the cornerstone of our marriage. Aging has changed our appearances somewhat, but I still find her very attractive and sexy. I love her and would marry her again in a heartbeat. I could say a lot more, but I've run out of room. Happy Anniversary, darling.

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