Sunday, July 21, 2013

Irrepressible Flood

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During our life together, Cindy and I have survived a house fire, a major vehicle accident, and most recently, a flood. The fire was expertly extinguished leaving a part of the house intact and with a few adjustments, living space still available. Although the RV we were towing was a total loss, our truck was repairable and EMTs easily patched up our superficial wounds. Fortunately we were able to move our fifth-wheel out of the way of the rapidly rising water. The flood caused us only the loss of a gas can and some inconvenience.

Rapid intervention stopped our fire before it could run to total destruction. The accident was over in moments and help was soon available. The river however just kept rising. Firemen quelled the fire; loss of momentum ended the accident; there was no human or physical intervention able to stop the increase of the water. It continued in its own time, at its own, rapid pace, until the river crested a day and a half later.

We stayed outside our home on the driveway until the fire was extinguished. We walked away from the accident. We had to flee the onslaught of the river because we had no idea when the water would stop rising. This was not the first time the river had left its banks during the eleven years we have summered in this valley, but this time the water was rising at a rate we had never before witnessed.

These three life altering events although minor by comparison brought me into momentary kinship with the multitude of my fellows who have experienced the terror of an out-of-control fire, the suffering and inconvenience of a vehicle accident, and the feeling of helplessness in the face of rising water. I was also reminded how wonderful is the support of fellow humans in time of need and how helpless we are regardless when faced with the uncontrollable raging of Nature.

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