Sunday, July 7, 2013

Why the Abusive Male?

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The older I get the more I realize how little I know, but that doesn't stop me from developing theories to address some of the questions in this void. One especially that has troubled me for a long time: Why do so many men have the need to dominate women; to control their wives, daughters, sweethearts, mothers, women in general by resorting to extremes of emotional and/or physical abuse?

Answer: I believe that in the primitive recesses of their brains men realize they are mostly unnecessary for the continuation of the species, which is the principal reason for being. (In theory, how many men are needed to fertilize one thousand women? One.) This realization of their redundancy seldom rises to the level of awareness and is therefore not understood to be a motivator of behavior. Instead it creates a nagging discomfort that is expressed as insecurity. And the more insecure a man is, the more likely he is to bully the women in his world.

Another facet of this subliminal awareness: A man is dependent on a woman from the moment a sperm fertilizes his mother's egg. He needs her to nurture him before and after birth, to reaffirm him, to bear his children, and he resents and therefore struggles against this dependency. This resentment can foster abuse.

And finally, there is envy. A man can only start the process of procreation; it requires a woman to complete it. It is in her body that a new human being starts to grow and is nurtured, not his. He may build the biggest something, own the most of anything, be the richest of all men, but he is incapable of giving birth to a baby. The only relief from this envy is to treat women as inferior, to take control of their bodies and their reproduction, often using abuse to accomplish this. MEN DO NOT HAVE A DIVINE IMPERATIVE TO DO THIS NO MATTER WHAT THEY PROFESS TO BELIEVE.

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