Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Five Women in Black—Postscript

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Both publishers of my books require cover art with my manuscripts. My wife created the covers for Echoes of Ellen, Flood, The Footpath, The Rental, Terribly Twisted Tales and Short Stories by a Short Author. These covers were done on PowerPoint since we could not (and can not) afford one of the super Adobe programs that would have made her task much easier. Unfortunately she was unable to find any material from which to construct the cover for Five Women.

I have a friend of fifty-seven years whose granddaughter Rachel is a talented artist. I've known Rachel's father since he was two years old but had only met Rachel twice. Even though we were minimally acquainted, she responded eagerly to my suggestion that she do the art for Five Women. After reading my book, (she liked it) she created the painting that adorns the cover.

My training as a scientist requires me to be as accurate with my facts and descriptions as possible. In 1982 there was only a very limited Internet and no Google. Researching the material for Five Women required me to spend countless hours in the college library where I accumulate a large stack of four by six note cards covered with my difficult to decipher notes. With the advent of Google, research today takes minutes not days. My gratitude for this wondrous creation is boundless.

Five Women in Black defies inclusion in any genre but General Fiction. It embraces elements of romance, mystery, adventure, and love and loss within a biography; and because it is set in the 1950s, it is somewhat historical in nature. One final difference from most genre fiction is the freedom the story gives the reader to imagine an ending. (Half of my readers have liked this, the other half not so much.) You are welcome to share your ending with me.

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