Friday, August 16, 2013

Human Hemorrhoids in the Super Market

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Let my preface my remarks by saying that I don't believe all shoppers are discourteous; in fact most are very accommodating. But those HHs that are not frustrate and anger me, especially because I consider grocery shopping less than a pleasant task and want to get in and out of the store with as little interference as possible.

It's hard for me to choose a top candidate because the examples I am going to cite are equally common. For instance: two or more shoppers who apparently haven't seen each other for a time decide to become reacquainted in the center of an already crowded aisle blocking traffic in both directions. The class A hemorrhoids in this set resist subtle hints to move out of the way, glaring at those who want to proceed with their shopping as if they were intruding and give way only very reluctantly. And then there are those who park their shopping cart diagonally across an aisle and disappear in search of another item somewhere else. Or they will leave their carts in the center of an aisle between two pallets of goods to be shelved effectively blocking traffic. Or they will create a traffic jam by demanding right of way at the same time one or two more HHs feel going first is their prerogative. Or they will simple abandon an empty cart in the middle of a busy aisle never to return. Then there are those who leave their bascart in the center of an aisle and stand for ever in front of a display that contains an item I want, ignoring me or others who wish to quickly get an item and move on. Or will slow an express checkout by having twice the limit of items, then dispute a charge, or write a check, or root around in pocket or purse for the correct change. I am sure there are other HHs I've failed to mention and I will happily accept your suggestions adding them to a future list should I revisit this topic.

This picture illustrates most all of the above.

Some who read this might accuse me of being impatient or uncharitable, although I do not believe I am. I have stood patiently and waited my turn on numerous occasions but sometimes... Maybe you know what I mean.

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