Sunday, August 18, 2013

Parking lot Hemorrhoids

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Have you ever had this experience? You enter an already crowded parking lot and begin searching for an empty spot. You see one—hurrah!—and approach it expectantly only to find it occupied by an empty shopping cart left behind by a Human Hemorrhoid. In many instances, you see that a bascart (shopping cart) drop-off is maybe ten or fifteen steps away. Do thoughts of justifiable homicide pass through your mind?

Then there are the HH trash throwers. On too many occasions I have had to step around a discarded disposable diaper in the traffic pattern, or when getting out of my truck have stepped onto a pile of discarded cigarette butts, obviously the contents of an HHs over-flowing ashtray.

My ire flows abundant when I see an able-bodied driver (many times a teenager) get out of a car bearing a handicap placard just parked in a handicap spot. Or is there any excuse for an HH to park his vehicle so close to yours that you can't get your car door open enough to get in without damaging his car? Or how about the HH that pulls into a parking spot diagonally so that the car effectively partially blocks the spots on either side.

These are just a few of the many examples I could cite but I have pledged to use no more than four paragraphs for every blog I write and although tempting I won't make an exception here. However you can see more illustrated examples by visiting the following website:

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