Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Prostitutes, Politicians, and Pimps

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I enjoy alliterations and because of current political events one such keeps running through my mind demanding that I use it: Prostitutes, Politicians and Pimps. From what I read, all three are currently in large numbers in Washington, DC.

Prostitutes rent parts of their anatomy, most often their sex organs. In 99% of our great country, prostitutes are considered anathema; they are banished or arrested and fined at best, jailed at worst. Because prostitution is piecework based on supply and demand, the average income of most is probably not much above minimum wage, sex workers in brothels and 'escorts' make considerably more although accurate data in either instance is impossible to find. Unless they purchase it themselves, they have no health insurance or retirement plans. Depending on whom you talk to, prostitution is considered at worst a heinous crime, at best a victimless crime unless the sex worker knowingly gives the customer a lethal disease. The prostitute much more than the politician runs the risk of injury or death while working.

Politicians' 'sex organs' are their votes that they openly sell to the highest bidder. For this they are handsomely rewarded with large campaign contributions and under-the-table additional income and perks. Unlike prostitutes, politicians are seldom called to account since congress is largely responsible for policing itself—the weasels are in charge of protecting the chickens and the eggs. Their victims are the 98% (taxpayers) who pay their salaries, most of their superb health insurance, and fund their generous retirement plans, but whom they seldom favor with their votes unless that vote is in their self-interest.

Pimps control prostitutes and arrange clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return. Political pimps are lobbyists. They arrange the deals that purchase a congressman or senator's vote and in return profit handsomely from making these arrangements. Pimps get arrested; lobbyists get wealthier. Seems to me, something is wrong with this arrangement.

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